Sweetheart Scammers: The Cost of Finding Love Online


Sweetheart Scammers: The Cost of Finding Love Online

by | Feb 16, 2022

Last Updated:
Feb 16, 2022

Love is in the air in this episode, as Carrie talks about the notorious sweetheart scammers. This Valentine’s Day inspired topic covers a type of criminal that takes advantage of individuals in search of relationships online; but it’s not just those looking for love that are at risk. Carrie will share with you how non-romantic relationships found online could also pose a threat. Learn about sweetheart scammer’s intentions, and the dangers they present to their victims.

What you’ll learn from listening to this episode:

  • Who are sweetheart scammers?
  • Why these scams aren’t restricted to only romantic relationships
  • Some extreme case examples demonstrating the severity of these scams
  • Red flags that can indicate someone is a potential sweetheart scammer


Link to article Carrie References in the episode: https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/blogs/data-spotlight/2022/02/reports-romance-scams-hit-record-highs-2021

TinderSwindler documentary on Netflix https://www.netflix.com/tudum/articles/who-is-tinder-swindler-real-shimon-hayut

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